Cell biology of cancer
Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. med. Bassermann
Research in our lab focuses on the molecular pathophysiology and evolution of malignant diseases, particulary hematological neoplasms, such as B-cell malignancies and acute leukemias, as well as selected solid entities including lung cancer.
Research Interests
Research in our lab focuses on the molecular pathophysiology and evolution of malignant diseases, particularly hematological neoplasms, such as B-cell malignancies and acute leukemias, as well as selected solid entities including lung cancer. Functionally, we focus on aberrant ubiquitin-dependent signaling pathways and other posttranslational mechanisms, which play pivotal roles in the regulation of tumorrelevant cellular processes such as cell cycle regulation, DNA damage response, immune responses, cell metabolism and programmed cell death.
Starting from a discovery-driven approach that combines multi-OMIC technologies (tumor genomics and functional proteomics) with cell biology, preclinical mouse models and analyses in large, defined patient cohorts, our central task is to forward our new functional insights to direct translational application. To this end, we define and validate new therapeutic target structures and engage in respective drug development efforts, either in academia or in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, to develop new treatment strategies that are investigated in early clinical trials.
Heider M., Eichner R., Stroh J., Morath V., Kuisl A., Zecha J., Lawatscheck J., Baek K., Garz A.K., Rudelius M., Deuschle F.C., Keller U., Lemeer S., Verbeek M., Götze K.S., Skerra A., Weber W. A., Buchner J., Schulman B.A., Kuster B., Fernández-Sáiz V. and Bassermann F.
The IMiD target CRBN determines HSP90 activity toward transmembrane proteins essential in multiple myeloma.
Molecular Cell (6):1170-1186 (2021)
Dietachmayr M., Rathakrishnan A., Karpiuk O., von Zweydorf F., Engleitner T., Fernández-Sáiz V., Schenk P., Ueffing M. Rad R., Eilers M., Gloeckner C.J., Clemm von Hohenberg K. and Bassermann F.
Antagonistic activities of CDC14B and CDK1 on USP9X regulate WT1-dependent mitotic transcription and survical.
Nature Communications 11(1):1268 (2020)
Eichner, R., Heider, M., Fernández-Sáiz, V., van Bebber, F., Garz, A.K., Lemeer, S., Rudelius, M., Targosz, B.S., Jacobs, L., Knorn, A.M., Slawska, J., Platzbecker, U., Germing, U, Langer, C., Knop, S., Einsele, H., Peschel, C., Haass, C., Keller, U., Schmid, B., Götze, K.S., Kuster, B., and Bassermann, F.
Immunomodulatory drugs disrupt the CRBN-CD147/MCT1 axis to exert anti-tumor activity and teratogenicity.
Nature Medicine 22 (7):735-743 (2016)
Engel, K., Rudelius, M., Slawska, J., Ahangarian Abhari, B., Altmann, B., Kurutz, J., Brunner, A., Targosz, B.S., Loewecke, F., Knorn, A.M., Gloeckner, C.J., Ueffing, M., Fernandez-Sáiz, V., Baumann, U., Fulda, S., Pfreundschuh, M., Trümper, L., Klapper, W., Keller, U., Jost, P.J., Rosenwald, A., Peschel, C., Bassermann, F.
USP9X stabilizes XIAP to regulate mitotic cell death and mediate resistance to anti-tubulin chemotherapeutics in aggressive B-cell lymphoma.
EMBO Mol. Med8 (8):851-862 (2016)
Baumann, U., Fernández-Sáiz, V., Rudelius, M., Lemeer, S., Rad, R., Knorn, A.M., Slawska, J., Engel, K., Jeremias, I., Li, Z., Tomiatti, V., Illert, A.L., Targosz, B.S., Braun, M., Perner, S., Leitges, M., Klapper, W., Dreyling, M., Miething, C., Lenz, G., Rosenwald, A., Peschel, C., Keller, U., Kuster, B., and Bassermann, F.
Disruption of the PRKCD-FBXO25-HAX-1 axis attenuates the apoptotic response and drives lymphomagenesis.
Nature Medicine, 2014. DOI: 10.1038/nm.3740.
Fernández-Sáiz, V, Targosz, B.S, Lemeer, S, Eichner, R, Langer, C, Bullinger, L, Reiter, C, SlottaHuspenina, J, Schroeder, S, Knorn, A.M., Kurutz, J, Peschel, C, Pagano, M, Kuster, B, and Bassermann, F.
SCFFbxo9 and CK2 direct the cellular response to growth factor withdrawal via Tel2/Tti1 degradation and promote survival in multiple myeloma.
Nature Cell Biol. 2012 Dec 23. doi: 10.1038/ncb2651 Link
Dehan, E., Bassermann, F., Guardavaccaro, D., Vasiliver-Shamis, G., Cohen, M., Lowes, K., Dustin, M., Huang, D., Taunton, J., and Pagano, M.
(2009). βTrCP- and Rsk1/2-mediated degradation of BimEL inhibits apoptosis. Mol Cell 33, 109-116.
Bassermann, F., Frescas, D., Guardavaccaro, D., Busino, L., Peschiaroli, A., Pagano, M. (2008). The Cdc14B-Cdh1-Plk1 axis controls the G2 DNA damage response checkpoint. Cell 134, 256-267.
Frescas, D., Guardavaccaro, D., Bassermann, F., Koyama-Nasu, R., Pagano, M. (2007). The histone demethylase JHDM1B is a nucleolar protein that represses transcription of ribosomal RNA genes. Nature, 450, 309-313.
Busino, L., Bassermann, F., Maiolica, A., Lee, C., Nolan, P. M., Godinho, S. I., Draetta, G. F., and Pagano, M. (2007). SCF-Fbxl3 controls the oscillation of the circadian clock by directing the degradation of cryptochrome proteins. Science 316, 900-904.
Bassermann, F., von Klitzing, C., Illert, A. L., Munch, S., Morris, S. W., Pagano, M., Peschel, C., and Duyster, J. (2007). Multisite phosphorylation of nuclear interaction partner of ALK (NIPA) at G2/M involves cyclin B1/Cdk1. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 15965-15972. (selected as "paper of the week" and cover)
Bassermann, F., von Klitzing, C., Muench, S., Bai, R.Y., Kawaguchi, H., Morris, S.W., Peschel, C., and Duyster, J. (2005). NIPA defines an SCF-type mammalian E3 ligase that regulates mitotic entry. Cell 122, 45-57.
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. med. Florian Bassermann
E-Mail(link sends e-mail)
Center for Translational Cancer Research (TranslaTUM)
Lab Members (alphabetical)
Ursula Baumann, Dr. rer. nat
Philipp Blüm, Dr. med.
Krischan Braitsch, Dr. med.
David Brockelt, Dr. rer. nat
Andrä Brunner
Katharina Clemm von Hohenberg, Dr. med.
Carina Dürr
Ruth Eichner, Dr. med, PhD
Vanesa Fernández-Sáiz, PhD
Laura Häusler, Dr. med.
Oleksandra Karpiuk, Dr. rer. nat.
Anna-Maria Knorn
Julia Kurutz
Sophie Langer
Felicia Loewecke, Dr. med.
Clemens Reiter
Carmen Richter Dr. rer. nat
Sonja Schroeder
Chuan Shan, PhD
Claudia Sturm
Bianca-Sabrina Targosz, Dr. rer. nat.
Knut Thiele
Michaela Walzik

Written applications including CV are welcome and should be forwarded by e-mail(link sends e-mail) to Prof. Florian Bassermann.
We are currently looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral Fellow - here the link to the job: Postdoctoral Fellow

Third party funding
EU-ERC Consolidator Grant
DFG – Research Center SFB1243 (link is external)
DFG – Research Center SFB 1335
Wilhelm Sander Stiftung
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Prof. Dr. med.
Florian Bassermann
Principal Investigator
Laboratory: TranslaTUM