Evolution of
Blood Cancer
Arbeitsgruppe Dr. med Judith S. Hecker
Research Interests
Research in our lab focuses on the age-related phenomenon and pre-malignant state clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) as pro-inflammatory condition with particular interest in the impact of CHIP on human aging, novel immunotherapies such as CAR-T cells as well as hematologic and non-malignant disease development and maintenance. Further, our research group is interested in extracellular vesicles (EVs) in the mentioned disease states and their function as intercellular communication devices within the diseased bone marrow microenvironment, specifically in the context of novel immunotherapies. Further, we validate EV release inhibition as novel therapeutic strategy in several hematologic diseases. Methodologically, we are using latest standard technologies for the characterization of EVs and CHIP from human bone marrow cells and the analysis of their functional properties in in vitro culture, co-culture assays and preclinical mouse models. Our central aim is to forward the gained new functional insights to a direct clinical application and to translate novel therapies into early-phase clinical trials for cancer patients.
Hecker JS, Hartmann L, Rivière J, Buck MC, van der Garde M, Rothenberg-Thurley M, Fischer L, Winter S, Ksienzyk B, Ziemann F, Solovey M, Rauner M, Tsourdi E, Sockel K, Schneider M, Kubasch AS, Nolde M, Hausmann D, Paulus AC, Lützner J, Roth A, Bassermann F, Spiekermann K, Marr C, Hofbauer LC, Platzbecker U, Metzeler KH, Götze KS. CHIP & HIPs: Clonal Hematopoiesis is Common in Hip Arthroplasty Patients and Associates with Autoimmune Disease. Blood. 2021.
Hartmann L*, Hecker JS*, Rothenberg-Thurley M, Rivière J, Jentzsch M, Ksienzyk B, Buck MC, van der Garde M, Fischer L, Winter S, Rauner M, Tsourdi E, Weidner H, Sockel K, Schneider M, Kubasch AS, Nolde M, Hausmann D, Lützner J, Goralski S, Bassermann F, Spiekermann K, Hofbauer LC, Schwind S, Platzbecker U, Götze KS*, Metzeler KH*. Compartment-specific mutational landscape of clonal hematopoiesis. Leukemia. 2022.
Lang JB, Buck MC, Rivière J, Stambouli O, Sachenbacher K, Choudhary P, Dietz H, Giebel B, Bassermann F, Oostendorp RAJ, Götze KS, Hecker JS. Comparative analysis of extracellular vesicle isolation methods from human AML bone marrow cells and AML cell lines. Front Oncol. 2022.
Weickert MT*, Hecker JS*, Buck MC, Schreck C, Rivière J, Schiemann M, Schallmoser K, Bassermann F, Strunk D, Oostendorp RAJ, Götze KS. Bone marrow stromal cells from MDS and AML patients show increased adipogenic potential with reduced Delta-like-1 expression. Sci Rep. 2021.
Hecker JS, Pachzelt L, Götze KS. Are Myelodysplastic Syndromes Ready for Venetoclax? Exploring future potential and considerations. Expert Rev Hematol. 2021.
Hecker JS, Wahida A, Hameister E, Filo A, Ruland J, Bassermann F, Hildebrandt M, Verbeek M, Poeck H. ABO subgroup incompatibility with severe hemolysis after consecutive allogeneic stem cell transplantations. eJHaem. 2021.
Landspersky T, Saçma M, Rivière J, Hecker JS, Hettler F, Hameister E, Brandstetter K, Istvánffy R, Romero Marquez S, Ludwig R, Götz M, Wolf M, Buck MC, Schiemann M, Ruland J, Strunk D, Shimamura A, Myers KC, Yamaguchi TP, Kieslinger M, Leonhardt H, Bassermann F, Götze KS, Geiger H, Schreck C, Oostendorp RAJ. Autophagy in mesenchymal progenitors protects mice against bone marrow failure after severe intermittent stress. Blood. 2021.
Roas M, Vick B, Kasper MA, Able M, Polzer H, Gerlach M, Kremmer E, Hecker JS, Schmitt S, Stengl A, Waller V, Hohmann N, Festini M, Ludwig A, Rohrbacher L, Herold T, Subklewe M, Götze KS, Hackenberger C, Schumacher D, Helma-Smets J, Jeremias I, Leonhardt H, Spiekermann K. Targeting FLT3 by new-generation antibody-drug-conjugate in combination with kinase inhibitors for treatment of AML. Blood, 2023.
Brunet T, Berutti R, Dill V, Hecker JS, Choukair D, Andres S, Deschauer M, Diehl-Schmid J, Krenn M, Eckstein G, Graf E, Gasser T, Strom TM, Hoefele J, Götze KS, Meitinger T, Wagner M. Clonal hematopoiesis as a pitfall in germline variant interpretation in the context of Mendelian disorders. Hum Mol Genet. 2022.
Braitsch K, Schmalbrock LK, Jung P, Bumeder I, Kiewe P, Hecker JS, Verbeek M, Westermann J, Bullinger L, Keller U, Bassermann F, Krönke J, Götze KS, Rieger K. Genotype and intensive pretreatment influence outcome of acute myeloid leukemia patients treated with Venetoclax in combination with hypomethylating agents or low-dose cytarabine: “Real world” data from Germany. Hemasphere. 2022.
(*: equal contribution)
Principal Investigator
Dr. med. Judith Hecker
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Center for Translational Cancer Research (TranslaTUM)
Lab Members (alphabetical)
Mariagiovanna Barresi,PostDoc
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Kim Muñoz, PostDoc
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Christoph Nuernbergk, Clinican Scientist
Alexander Ochs, MD student
Lavinia Pachzelt, Clinician Scientist
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Anna Purcarea, Clinician Scientist
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Stefanie Stein, Technician
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Wir suchen derzeit eine Abiturientin/ einen Abiturienten für ein freiwilliges soziales/ wissenschaftliches Jahr.
Written applications including CV are welcome and should be forwarded by email to Dr. med. Judith S. Hecker.(link sends e-mail)

Third party funding
BZKF (Leuchtturm Zelluläre Immuntherapien)
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
Ihr Ansprechpartner
PD Dr. med.
Judith S. Hecker
Principal Investigator
Laboratory: TranslaTUM